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By 15:16

Disclaimer: This is something I had to write down. It was like therapy, getting all these feelings out and sharing them. I was unsure whether to include it on here as it may seem a bit self indulgent. However it is a blog about me! So what  the hell. If I have fat pictures on here then I can have some emotional shiz too! It is lengthy but don't feel the need to read if it really doesn't interest you! 

Hello my name is Jen and I am addicted to food. Some people’s vices are cigarettes, some are alcohol, and others are gambling and spending money. Mine is food. The thing with an addiction to food is that you can’t go cold turkey. You need food to survive. Placing a bet on Paddy Power does not fuel your body, and neither does smoking 20 Benson and Hedges a day. I am not addicted to all foods though, just the bad kinds. MacDonald’s, KFC, Chow Mein and deep fried chicken balls, creamy kormas with mounds of rice, pasta with cheese and garlic bread, chocolate cake, cheesecake, twirls, crunchies, malteasers, fried egg sandwiches and so on. Basically anything that contains a stupid amount of fat or sugar.

My obsession with food began in my third year of university when I discovered that I could kind of cook. Healthy stir fry’s and the odd curry then turned into mounds of unhealthy options. I started to notice that my size 10/12 figure was paying the price for the awesome steaks I had been consuming. By the time I left university I was a large size 14 and the biggest I had ever been. Living away from my boyfriend and being unemployed was difficult. Depression set in and I would fill my days lying in bed watching Waking the Dead (Boyd is the ultimate maverick) and eating bags upon bags of crisps. I would have a cooked lunch and dinner and would snack all evening long. I ate my feelings and I had a lot of feelings. Instead of doing something about my weight, I just continued to eat. Once I started working my weight levelled off and I stopped gaining weight. I was unhappy with my weight but I had a man that told me daily he loved me for me and not for my fat size 16 arse (my words, not his) so everything was all good.

In spring 2011 my boyfriend left me and once again food took over. Instead of talking about how devastated I was I just consumed a ridiculous amount of fosters and stuffed my face. Food rarely let me down (alcohol always did!) and it made me happy for the moment it was on my lips. Afterwards I would feel even more upset and shameful that I had let myself to become overweight. I know why he left me and it wasn’t because I was fat however for a long time I believed this to be the case. Eventually I started to think about my food intake and for a while it was under control. I replaced nights in binging with evenings out socialising and doing puzzlers really helped! (Still fricken love them buggers)  My Mum and dad were both a big help and would never buy snack foods and would always cook healthy and fresh meals. When I moved away from home though I was completely in control and the bad eating habits re surfaced. The feelings of rejection and the emotions I felt about the break up resurfaced and it was hard to control my feelings.

A friend’s wedding early this year forced me to address my weight. I did not want to be a fat bridesmaid. I had spoken before about losing weight and going on a diet so I couldn’t really blame people for not believing I could fit into a size 14 bridesmaid dress. Some of the negative comments made about my ‘challenge’ really spurred me on. For once I was using other people’s negative attitude as motivation rather than an excuse to cry and feel sorry for myself. I used an email sent by the ex as motivation, looking at before the gym and taking out all my anger on the cross trainer and rowing machine. The weight started to drop and so did my feelings towards him. I lost a stone and a half and my size 16 bridesmaid dress fitted with room to spare. The gorgeous Bride and all four of her bridesmaids looked shit hot that day (Bunch of G’s). It was a real turning point in my life and I think if I had stuck to the diet after the wedding I would currently be near my target weight. Instead a busy social life got in the way and a beer belly developed and I piled all the weight back on plus another half a stone. I feel really disappointed that this happened but I know that I can lose the weight and this motivation in itself.

For the most part I am happy with my life and that’s what makes me eat also, contentment. I like my job and my flat and I have the most amazing group of friends.  I eat when I am sad and I eat when I am happy, that is the problem. I am not happy about being 14 stone and a size 18. I want to be able to look in the mirror and not feel repulsed by my figure. I know that not only do I need to lose weight that I need to start using food for its purpose and not as a solution to my problems. I need to develop a healthy relationship with food. Food does not fix problems, talking about them does. So I know now I need to do more talking and less eating.

image courtesy of happyclippings.com

Peace Out 

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  1. Eat when I'm happy, Eat when I'm sad, I'm just the same. Wish I was one of those people who lose weight when they're under stress!

    Jessx xxx
